Rolling Start, Inc. (RSI) was first contacted by Jeremy’s father, Ruben, who inquired about a device to help his son communicate. Jeremy recently had surgery to remove a brain tumor, which made talking difficult as he was required to have an endotracheal tube during the recovery process. Fortunately, the speech-language pathologists at Loma Linda University Medical Center (LLUMC) told Ruben about the new Voice Options program through RSI that provides iPads with speech apps to individuals with complex communication needs. With further assistance from the AT coordinator, Ruben was able to program the GoTalk Now app to include specific pictures and buttons that would “talk” for Jeremy once they are pressed. Ruben has informed the AT coordinator that the iPad has made a significant difference in Jeremy’s everyday life and well-being. Now, Jeremy can communicate his needs and desires with his nurses, physical therapists, and his loved ones.