Rolling Start Inc. Blog

Youth Virtual Art Festival

Do you need a platform to showcase your art?

We are hosting a virtual art festival in October. It’s a place for disabled youth to show off their art forms. Submit your work to our link at The deadline to submit is on September 30th so now is the time to prepare your entry! Your art could be featured on our website and you can receive knowledge from mentors within the industry. 

[Image Description: A graphic with lights, music notes, and film strips in the background with the text overlay: Youth Virtual Art Festival Music - Digital Art - Film A platform for disabled youth to show off their work and receive valuable knowledge from mentors with success in the industry already. October 22, 2022 10AM - 3PM Ages 16 - 26 Submit your entrees here: submission deadline: 9/30/22 SUBMISSION GUIDELINES: All submissions are to be digitally submitted Submissions are 3 MINUTE MAXIMUM. Submissions that are accepted will have a 10 Minute time limit to talk about/promote their art and reflect on it with the mentors/participants. All Accepted Submissions will be available to view on with permission of the artist. -Music: Examples; Composition, singing, rapping, poetry, music videos For this category all musical artists are welcome to share their talent. NO explicit lyrics, videos, or gestures. -Film: Examples; Short films, Movies, Trailers, Documentaries NO explicit dialog, writings, movie scenes, or trailers. -Digital Art: Examples; digital anime, NFTs, paintings, sculptures, drawings NO explicit art, nudity, or animation. Keep all content family-oriented ALL SUBMITTED CONTENT NEEDS TO BE ORIGINAL]

The Americans with Disabilities Act

Celebrating the 32nd Anniversary!

Rolling Start Inc. is proud to support the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 32nd Anniversary. On July 26th we celebrate this important civil rights law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life, including jobs, schools, transportation, and all public and private places that are open to the general public. The purpose of the law is to make sure that people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. #ADA32 #ThanksToTheADA

[ID: A graphic with a historic photo of the signing of the ADA law with the text, "Celebrating the 32nd Anniversary! Americans with Disabilities Act July 26th, 2022 1990-2022 Let’s celebrate the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) 32nd Anniversary! The ADA works to ensure all people with disabilities have the same rights and opportunities as everyone else. #ThanksToTheADA #ADA32"]

“On July 26, 1990, with the signing into law of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), our Nation created the world’s first comprehensive declaration of equality for people with disabilities.  Since that time, this landmark legislation has been a driving force in moving America closer to the promise of equal opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for the 61 million individuals with disabilities in our country.  The ADA prohibits disability discrimination by State and local governments; provides standards for access to places of public accommodation; protects people with disabilities from discrimination in the workplace; and ensures equal access to health care, social services, transportation, and telecommunications.  But even more than that, it enshrines the idea — central to the spirit of our Nation — that all of us are deserving of equal dignity, respect, and opportunity.”
-The White House

Bridging The Digital Divide

A Flyer with a picture of a Chromebook laptop that is available through our digital divide program. The Molina Health and Rolling Start logos at the bottom. Text says, "Exclusively for aging & disabled members of Molina Healthcare. Helping you Stay Connected and Safe using technology. This FREE program offers: Chromebook 1 year in internet service(New service only) Training & fun classes Call Norma Mendoza Today: (909)890-9516 to reserve your Chromebook. Must be a Molina Member with a disability and/or over the age of 60.This FREE program is possible due to a generous sponsorship from Molina Healthcare. Chromebooks are limited and will be distributed on a first-come/first served basis."
[ID: A Flyer with a picture of a Chromebook laptop that is available through our digital divide program. The Molina Health and Rolling Start logos at the bottom. Text says, "Exclusively for aging & disabled members of Molina Healthcare. Helping you Stay Connected and Safe using technology. This FREE program offers: Chromebook 1 year in internet service(New service only) Training & fun classes Call Norma Mendoza Today: (909)890-9516 to reserve your Chromebook. Must be a Molina Member with a disability and/or over the age of 60.This FREE program is possible due to a generous sponsorship from Molina Healthcare. Chromebooks are limited and will be distributed on a first-come/first served basis."]

For members with a disability or over the age of 60

Rolling Start Inc. is happy to help bridge the digital divide by connecting people with disabilities and senior citizens to the digital age. Through our San Bernardino ADRC partnership we are able to help you obtain a Chromebook laptop to help you stay connected in our ever-growing technological world. If you have a computer already and are just learning, we have classes to help you learn the computer basics that you need to know to help navigate your computer hardware and software. We host a computer class once a week so sign-up to our next class online to learn the ins and outs and ask any questions that we might have the answer for. Click the flyer to the right to go to our calendar!

An image of a laptop with text overlay, “Rolling Start Computer Class. Learn computer basics! Sign-up to one of our weekly computer classes. Register at”
[ID: An image of a laptop with text overlay, “Rolling Start Computer Class. Learn computer basics! Sign-up to one of our weekly computer classes. Register at”]

July 2022 Calendar

The July Calendar is here!

Go to our calendar and click an event to register.

Enjoy the 4th of July weekend! Our offices will be closed on Monday in observance of the holiday. We have an in-person cooking class coming on the 18th, join in at our San Bernardino office. It is available as a hybrid class so you can still participate online from home if that is more preferable to you. Sign-up to learn more!

Click here to view the calendar

Practice Heat Safety

[ID: A graphic with a city landscape under the hot sun. Text overlay, “Practice HEAT SAFETY wherever you are. Heat related deaths are preventable. Protect yourself and others from the impacts of heat waves.” An illustration of a construction site. Text: “Job sites. Stay hydrated and take breaks in the shade as often as possible. ”An illustration of an elderly citizen inside their home. Text: “Indoors. Check up on the elderly, sick and those without AC.” An illustration of an adult and child in a car. Text: “Vehicles. Never leave kids or pets unattended - look before you lock.” An illustration of a man jogging with a dog. Text: “Outdoors. Limit strenuous outdoor activities, find shade, and stay hydrated.” NOAA logo with the link:]

Heat related deaths are preventable!

Heat is one of the leading weather-related killers in the United States, resulting in hundreds of fatalities each year. Heat can be very taxing on the body; check out the heat related illnesses that can occur with even a short period of exposure. Everyone can be vulnerable to heat, but some more so than others. According to The Impacts Of Climate Change On Human Health In The United States: A Scientific Assessment the following groups are particularly vulnerable to heat; check in with friends and relatives who fall in one of these populations, especially if they don’t have air conditioning.

  • Young children and infants are particularly vulnerable to heat-related illness and death, as their bodies are less able to adapt to heat than are adults. 
  • Older adults, particularly those with pre existing diseases, take certain medications, are living alone or with limited mobility who are exposed to extreme heat can experience multiple adverse effects.
  • People with chronic medical conditions are more likely to have a serious health problem during a heat wave than healthy people.
  • Pregnant women are also at higher risk. Extreme heat events have been associated with adverse birth outcomes such as low birth weight, preterm birth, and infant mortality, as well as congenital cataracts.

It is NEVER safe to leave a child, disabled person or pet locked in a car, even in the winter. If you have a toddler in your household, lock your cars, even in your own driveway.  Kids play in cars or wander outside and get into a car and can die in 10 minutes! A reported 25 children died in hot cars in 2020. To see the latest information for 2021, go to this link. Deaths routinely are reported as early as April and tragedies continue into December in southern states.

NWS Safety information on Children, Pets and Vehicles: Find out more about how cars can heat up quickly when left in the sun. Information and resources in both English and Spanish from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

Source: Learn more here!


[ID: A graphic with text overlaid, "Juneteenth is now recognized as a federal holiday! June 19th commemorates the end of slavery. On June 19, 1865, the federal government's final execution and fulfillment of the terms of the emancipation proclamation took place. The people to whom this order was addressed were the last group of Americans to be informed that all formerly enslaved persons were now free."

Juneteenth and Father’s Day

We are happy to witness the realization of Juneteenth becoming recognized as a National Federal Holiday that will be celebrated across the nation. In observance of Juneteenth, our office will be closed on Monday June 20th and will resume on Tuesday June 21st.

Today is also Father’s Day and we are wishing all the great fathers out there a Happy Father’s Day. Lots to celebrate and be appreciative of today as we celebrate two holidays on the same day. Be safe and enjoy your holiday weekend!